STE Launches its New Website


Frank Pope – COO

Date Published

Part of STE’s mission is to promote man’s delight in the intelligence of elephants and the diversity of their world. To that end we are proud to announce the launch of our new website, a platform designed to help us share this awareness more effectively.

The last revamp of STE’s web presence was done in 2008. Since then times have changed, and now increasing numbers of people interact with the web via mobile devices. A portal that is as useable on a mobile phone as on a desktop computer is now crucial.

Social media, too, has profoundly altered the online landscape. In the last year alone STE’s Facebook following has more than doubled, and our updates from the front line of elephant research and conservation now often reach in excess of two million people.

We’ve simplified the navigation, grouping all of our work on the ground under one title, ‘Saving Elephants’. Under this heading you’ll find the four programmes through which we work: Research, Protection, Awareness and Human-Elephant Coexistence.

We’ve made a few other small changes. Where once we had two blogs, one of interns and one for staff, we now have one, dubbed Among the Elephants. The position of whoever is writing, whether intern or staffer, will simply be indicated after their name.

With the number and diversity of projects that STE is engaged in, we wanted to provide visitors with a way to stumble on other material that might interest them. Taking the lead from sites such as YouTube, we have included a ‘Related Items’ feature designed to introduce stories from varied areas of our work.

We’re all too aware that with a site as large and complex as STE’s there will be room for improvement. The continuing rapid development of the Elephant Crisis Fund, for instance, will see that area of the site expanding soon.

We hope you enjoy the new look and feel. If you have any comments that you’d like to share, please do write in and let us know!