Jumbos invade Chibombo (Zambia)



Date Published

Elephants have invaded Ipongo area in Chief Chitanda’s Chiefdom in Chibombo District destroying maize crops on some fields.

Chibombo District Commissioner Barnabas Musopelo has told ZANIS that Ipongo residents have reported to him the presence of eight elephants in their area.

Mr. Musopelo says the communities invaded by the elephants are those near Lukanga Swamp.

He says the elephants were first seen four days ago by the residents who reported the case to him.

Mr. Musopelo said he has since asked the National Parks and Wildlife to immediately crop the elephants before more crops are damaged.

He said wildlife officers are today expected in the affected areas of Ipongo to crop the elephants.

Mr. Musopelo has since appealed to community members in the affected areas not to panic as the situation is being addressed.

