Couple slammed for goading elephant in Khao Yai National Park (Thailand)


The Nation

Date Published

See link for video.

A reckless Thai couple tried to provoke a wild elephant to chase after their car while driving on a road that cut through the Khao Yai National Park, prompting other vehicles in the oncoming lanes to reverse in fear of their safety.

The incident was shown on video footage posted online on Monday by a popular Thai-based page “Yak Dang Diew Jadhai V4” (

The page criticised the couple’s behaviour as irresponsible, saying it put themselves and other motorists in danger, as well as the elephant.

“If you are stomped on by the elephant, don’t come crying,” the page commented.

The male driver is heard shouting to provoke the elephant and saying “how can it (the elephant) be faster than my Camry (Toyota car)”, while his female companion takes the video clips and tells him to drive on.

The footage was then posted on their Facebook page, which is now closed following criticism of their provocation of an animal.

Elephants and other wildlife in this vast national park, which spans four provinces being Nakhon Ratchasima, Sara Buri, Nakhon Nayok and Prachin Buri, have been disturbed by the increasing number of vehicles and tourists using the park’s roads over the past decade.

There have been many incidents of animals showing their alarm and justified anger at noisy motorists.