Animation film stresses need for elephant corridors (New Delhi, India)


Indian Television 

Date Published
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A timely message during a social event. To coincide with the ongoing Ganesh Chaturthi festival, an animated film has been made to draw attention to the sad state of elephants in the country. The number of elephants has dwindled by almost half over the past few decades.

Culture Machine’s digital channel ‘Being Indian’ has released the new video titled ‘Our Elephants’ to shed light on the plight of elephants and the grave state of elephant corridors. The film says the total population of elephants has fallen and is between 27,000 and 29,000 now.

‘Being Indian’ takes the opportunity to edify people about the conditions of the real giant wanderers.

Elephant corridors are nature’s highways that allow elephants to move from one habitat patch to another. India houses 50 percent of the entire elephant population across the globe. The country is making efforts to promote elephant corridors and help preserve the friendly giant’s habitat.

Although possessing an overpowering exterior, elephants are one of the most social and intelligent creatures. They are responsible for sustaining the forest and keeping the ecosystem together.

‘Our Elephants’ by ‘Being Indian’ narrates the man versus the giant story through dialogue. Man survives by destroying and creating what has been given to him by nature. An elephant is similar, as he creates rivers and trails that lead to the evolution of newer species.

But, humans are disrupting this cycle of evolution and creation, but the poor elephants end up paying the price as they get run over by trains while making their great expedition through the forests.

Culture Machine’s digital channel ‘Being Indian’ stated, “It’s very crucial for us to realise the importance of the deteriorating conditions of our forests and dimensioning population of elephants. We have curated this content to raise awareness about the situation at hand, and help make a difference through our platform.”

The film gives the message: One can either choose to be impacted by the world or choose to impact world.