Cleric to spend 20 years in jail for 90m/- jumbo tusks (Tanzania)


Peti Siyame, Daily News

Date Published


A Moravian Church’s cleric at Usevya village in Mlele District, Katavi Region , Godwel Siame has been sentenced to spend 20 years in jail for being found with pieces of elephant tusks weighing 20 kilogrammes valued over 90m/- without a permit.

Resident Magistrate, Mr Chiganga Tengwa, sitting before the Katavi Region Court in Mpanda Town, convicted the accused person after being satisfied by the evidence produced by prosecution witnesses. “Actually the prosecution side had proved its case against the accused beyond reasonable doubts that you have committed the felony, therefore I sentence you to 20 years in jail.

I pass this severe sentence so that it will serve as a lesson not only to you but also to others….” added Mr Tengwa. State Attorney, Mr Achiles Mulisa for the prosecution, had called six witnesses to prove its case against the convict while the Counsel , Mr Patrick Mwakyusa for defence had summoned four witnesses .

During the trial, the prosecution had told the court that, Siame committed the offence on May 5, 2016 at his office of Moravian Church at Usevya Village in Mlele District where he was found in unlawful possession of four pieces of elephant tusks weighing 20 kg, valued at 90,000,000/-, property of the government.

On mitigation , the convict prayed for lenience sentence that he did not known who put pieces of elephant tusks in his office at the church .