Death of tusker: Forest Dept. initiates action against staff (India)



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The recent death of an adult tusker due to electrocution at Dhoddamanehaada near Sholur has led to the transfer of three forest officials from The Nilgiris North range.
Speaking to The Hindu over phone from Coimbatore, Conservator of Forests Anwaruddin said that a report on the incident had been sought from the District Forest Officer, The Nilgiris North Division, K. Soundarapandian and based on the report, the department has shifted the Ranger Periyasamy, Forester Kesavan and Guard Thomas to different parts of The Nilgiris for “inept handling of the situation.” Departmental action would be initiated against them.
To a question, he assured that all those involved in the case would be booked. While two farm workers had been arrested on Monday, a warrant has been obtained for the arrest of Ravichandran, the main accused.
The action of the department has gone down well with conservationists who have been demanding stringent action against those responsible for the death of the elephant and also those who tampered with the evidence.
Speaking to The Hindu, the Executive Committee member Nilgiri Wildlife and Environment Association (NWEA) K. Vijay said that the action strengthens faith in the department.
He expressed hope that the transfers and the ongoing arrests of those allegedly involved in the case relating to the death of the pachyderm would deter people from indulging in activities like illegal electrification of fences. He said that the officials of The Nilgiris Electricity Distribution Circle (NEDC) should also step up their vigil.