Heat Wave-Affected Elephant Calf Dies (Odisha, India)


The Hindu

Date Published

An elephant calf suspected to have become victim of heat stroke, in
Surada forest range of Ganjam district of Odisha, died on Sunday
morning despite all attempts to save it.

This two-year-old male calf was located inside dense jungle near
Gajalbadi of Ghumusar south forest division on Saturday morning. It
died at 9.15 a.m. on Sunday while intravenous fluids were being
administered. After post mortem, the body was buried at the spot by
the forest officials.

“The calf bore no injuries but it was in severe pain suspected to be
related to extreme hot climatic condition, dehydration or internal
infection,” said Ghumusar south Divisional Forest Officer (DFO) Bijay
Ketan Acharya.

Following its rescue all attempts were made to cool down the calf
through providing a makeshift shade and continuous drenching of its
body. Veterinary doctor of Surada monitored the treatment of the
animal in consultation with veterinary experts of Nanadankanan
Zoological Park in Bhubaneswar. But forest officials and doctor had to
depart from the spot at night as the elephant herd of which the calf
was a member was present nearby and there were chances of their
