The Mir Chowk police on Wednesday arrested two persons and seized eight ivory articles worth Rs 20 lakh from their possession at Kali Khaber bus stop.
Acting on a specific alert, the Mir Chowk police arrested B Narsaiah of Nagole and A Srinivas Reddy of Bholakpur when they were waiting for prospective customers at Kali Khaber bus stop at 5am on Wednesday.
Police have recovered eight ivory articles in some bags that were being carried by the duo. On interrogation, Narsaiah confessed to have received the ivory articles from one Girish Reddy two years ago.
“The accused Narsaiah has revealed that Girish Reddy owed him Rs 1 lakh which he could not repay. Instead of money, he decided to give the eight ivory articles,” Mir Chowk inspector (Detective) G Narayana Reddy told TOI.
Police have registered a case against the duo and the absconding accused, Girish, under Sections 9, 39, 39(1), 39(2), 40, 49, 50, 51 and 57 of the Wild Life Protection Act, 1972.
“We will inform the forest department officials about the seizure and request for their help in the investigation,” the inspector added.