Jumbos destroy university farm in Tharaka Nithi County (Kenya)


BY PHARES MUTEMBEI, Standard Digital News

Date Published
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Plans for a farmers’ field day scheduled for September 18 and 19 have been thrown into disarray after marauding elephants destroyed a farm run by the Kenya Methodist University’s department of agriculture.
Stalls and farms where leading agricultural companies were to use to train farmers from Meru and Tharaka Nithi counties, were flattened by the jumbos from Imenti Forest.
“We had over 60 companies who had planted various crops, including cabbages, beans and nerika rice but the elephants have flattened them. It is a big loss, because it is the dry season now and we had used a lot of water to grow the crops,” said Elias Njoka, the chairman of the department of agriculture. However, a few farms were left intact.