Kenya: Farmers in Nyeri Demand Compensation for Crops Destroyed By Wild Animals.


Irene Mugo, Daily Nation

Date Published

Farmers from Mweiga in Nyeri County are demanding Sh600,568 from the government as compensation for their crops destroyed by wild animals two years ago.

They lamented that the government is not keen in paying them their dues since the wild animals invaded their farms.

Four villages, Njeng’u, Thamaki, Mwiregi and Gabura are demanding for compensation.

Mr John Mambo, a victim, said a herd of elephants destroyed crops worth more than Sh30,000.

Mr Mwangi Gathenya also wants Governor Nderitu Gachagua to intervene in the matter, saying their pleas to MPs and MCAs have been ignored.

“We were told to wait for the national budget to be read [but so far] our money has not yet been released,” he said.

The residents have over the years blamed the Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) of failing to save them from the danger posed by the wild animals.

“We have lived with the nuisance of [attacks by wild animals on our farms] for long,” said Mr Mambo.

He said that when the first incident was reported to KWS, they were told compensation would be made if deaths were reported.

However, a KWS official, Isaac Mugo, said the aggrieved farmers have filled compensation forms that were taken to the Ministry of Environment.