Kenya: Ivory Smuggler Feisal Mohammed’s Nurse Gets Sh100,000 Cash Bail


Nancy Agutu and Mkamburi Mawasi, The Star

Date Published
A nurse charged with treating suspected ivory smuggler Feisal Mohammed without renewing his license will either pay a cash bail of Sh100,000 or be jailed for a year.
Abdala Hamisi was charged before Senior resident magistrate James Omburah at Shanzu Law Courts on Thursday.
Hamisi, who had recommended Feisal’s release on medical grounds, pleaded guilty to the accusations.
He treated Feisal at Shimo la Tewa prison in Mombasa where he is being held.
Feisal, a Mombasa businessman, was arrested by Interpol in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania on December 22 after another warrant was issued against him.
Detectives say he is the leader of an international poaching syndicate in East Africa and has enjoyed protection from security agencies and state officials.
They say he is wanted in connection with the seizure of three tonnes of ivory found in Tudor, Mombasa in June 2013.
Magistrate Justus Kituku will deliver his ruling on February 27.