Kumki elephants injured in fight with wild tusker (India)


The Hindu

Date Published
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Two kumki tuskers at the Theppakadu elephant camp of the Mudumalai Tiger Reserve (MTR) were injured when they were attacked by a wild tusker during the small hours of Monday.
Deputy Director, MTR, D.Chandran said that a 52-year-old kumki tusker Mudumalai, which was in masth, had been attacked by a wild tusker which was also in masth. In the fight that followed, Mudumalai had sustained injuries on its trunk and some other parts of its body. Another 27-year-old kumki tusker Jambu, which got entangled in the fight, had sustained minor injuries.
Pointing out that medical attention was provided without delay to the injured kumkis immediately after the wild elephant had been chased away, he said that both were stable and their condition was being monitored round the clock.
Mudumalai was one of the most impressive looking kumki elephants in Theppakadu, Wildlife Veterinarian E.Vijayaraghavan said and added that such fights occurring when elephants were in masth was not abnormal.