Malawi: Elephant Kills 50 Year Old Man in Mangochi


Arnold Namanja, Malawi News Agency

Date Published

A 50 year old man in Mangochi has been killed by a stray elephant from Liwonde National Park along Lake Malombe in Mangochi, police have confirmed.

Mangochi Police Assistant Public Relations Officer, Amina Tepani Daudi told the Malawi News Agency that the incident happened on Tuesday July 19 at Malombe Village in the area of Traditional Authority Chowe in the district.

She said the deceased identified as Chome Abasi went to the forest with his brother on a hunting excursion when he met his fate.

“The deceased and his brother went to hunt and in the process met an elephant which started chasing them–his brother managed to run faster and in the process the animal attacked him and died on the spot,” Daudi said.

She said the following morning (Wednesday) people surrounding the area went to look for him only to find him lying dead.

“Members of the community reported the matter to police and the scene was visited,” Daudi said.

She added that postmortem conducted at Malombe Health Centre established that death was due to severe loss of blood.

Abasi hailed from Chikala Village in the area of traditional Authority Chowe in Mangochi.