Mamata calls for proper policy to tackle elephant menace (Kolkata, India)


India Times

Date Published

West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee today called for a proper
policy to tackle the problem of elephants invading West Bengal from
Nepal and Dalma region even as she questioned the role of

“I am against the killing of elephants. There should be a proper
policy to tackle the problem. Elephants are entering from Nepal and
Dalma region, but there are certain people or environmentalists who
only raise hue and cry,” Banerjee said in a programme.

Banerjee during the last administrative meeting in Jhargram had said a
number of measures had been taken recently to curb depredation by
elephants in the state.

Banerjee today also lashed out at a section of environmentalists for
“creating problems” in the development process.

“There are certain lobbies who use certain environmentalists. All of a
sudden they lodge a case against brick kilns. These brick kilns get
closed and lakhs of people lost their jobs. Who will look after their
families? Will the environmentalist look after them,” Banerjee said.