Mugabe Smuggles Baby Lions to China


Zim Eye

Date Published

A bloody war involving animals (lions, elephants) against human beings is hovering after Robert Mugabe yesterday smuggled out of Hwange baby lions and elephants for China.

Mugabe’s Government is today smuggling by air eight(8) lions and twenty four(24) elephants out of Harare for sale in China, can reveal.
The suckling animals were earlier Thursday forced onto trucks and caged in there for two days only to leave Hwange at 5PM yesterday under heavy military and police guard.

The army drove them to Harare International Airport where they are being speedily flown to China today. SEE PICTURES BELOW:

Lions and Elephants do not forget and this is very dangerous for future Hwange visitors, animal conservation experts have warned.

The so called “notorious” Chinese national behind all this has been identified as one Ms Li Song.

The Zimbabwe Conservation Task Force (ZCTF) said of her “We have recently been informed that a lady by the name of Li Song is involved with the exportation of the baby elephants in Hwange National Park. We believe she brought some wealthy Chinese people into the country in connection with the exportation of the elephants and she is apparently connected with high ranking officials in the government ministry,” said Johnny Rodrigues, Chairman of the ZCTF.

Song is a co-director of ECIS Investments which owns a Marondera-based company called Eagle Tannery.
“We have also heard that she is associated with a questionable luxury safari camp in Mana Pools and is a co-director of ECIS Investments. This company is the owner of Eagle Tannery which we believe is in Marondera,” added the animal rights activist quoted by newsman Collin Wilbesi.

Why the rush to fly them out?
While Minister Saviour Kasukuwere had not responded to questions, a source told the Zim government owes her $3.5 million for unpaid bills. The reason why the animals had to be rushed out of Zimbabwe is a Chinese Business Chimelong Safari Park paid the bills to her in return that the Zim government sends an undisclosed number of wildlife in exchange.

Ms Li Song is the same person government recently paid by ceding out ownership of large patches of land in the rich Mana Pools.

Meanwhile the ZCTF last year issued a warning saying, “Why is Zimbabwe stealing from the future generation’s natural resources? The baby elephants quite likely won’t survive the trip and the only crime they have committed is being born in Zimbabwe. They are now being sentenced to a life of inhuman treatment. This is very traumatic, not only for the baby elephants but also for their families. Elephants don’t forget and this is very dangerous for future visitors to Hwange.

“We have to try and stop this export from taking place,” the ZCTF said in a statement.