No Relief from Jumbo Menace (India)


By Express News Service

Date Published
IDUKKI:The encroachment of wild elephants in Marayur here seems to show little signs of letting up, with jumbos starting to enter residential areas even during the daytime. Areas such as Karimutty and Babu Nagar near Marayur petrol bunk are among the most vulnerable to the attacks.
In the latest incident, a herd of wild elephants entered the residences of Selvan Markan, Bhaskar Sharma and Kuttiyamma of Babu Nagar and uprooted several trees in their lands.
The jumbos that got into the compounds in the wee hours of Saturday went back only by 7 in the morning after wreaking havoc, in spite of Babu Nagar being a busy residential area with over a hundred houses. The rampant attacks have forced local people to stay back at homes after dusk.
On Thursday evening, around six tuskers entered the farm land of S Ganeshan of Korakadavu area around here.
Ganeshan and his friends had a hard time trying to chase them away.