Rescue efforts yet to see any success (Bangladesh)


The Daily Star

Date Published

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The visiting three-member Indian rescue team left Jamalpur for Dhaka yesterday finding it difficult to tranquilise the stranded wild elephant moving through flooded croplands in Madarganj upazila of the district.

A 17-member forest department team was still following the elephant, looking for scopes for tranquilising the animal at a suitable place, said Ashim Kumar Mallick, wildlife inspector of the forest department.

Today, the Indian team will hold a meeting with high officials of the Bangladesh forest department in this regard.

They are likely to fly to Assam tomorrow, said Ashim.

The Indian rescue team had landed in Dhaka on August 3 and went to Jamalpur the next day.

During the next two days, a joint team of wildlife and veterinary officials from both Bangladesh and India tried to rescue the elephant but could not as it was not coming out to a dry place noticing a huge crowd of curious onlookers.

Earlier, it was planned that once the elephant would reach a dry place, it would be tranqualised and taken to the Safari Park in Gazipur.

The wild elephant got separated from her herd in Assam and entered Kurigram’s Chilmari upazila, floating with the currents of the Brahmaputra river, on June 27.

Since the elephant entered Bangladesh, it has travelled over 300 kilometres of riverine routes in the last 41 days.

During the days, it was seen frantically moving from one place to another.

Currently, the elephant is in a low-lying flooded area in Amtoli area of Uttar Charbhatiani village in Madarganj upazila of Jamalpur.