On Wednesday, September 9, the assistant chief of the Kahuzi Biega Park sensitized delegates of public services, NGOs, and heads of groups of the Shabunda territory on the protection of fauna and flora of this park. He stressed the need to safeguard animal and plant species in light of threats from poachers and the destruction of this site by the riverine population.
Participants at the workshop heightened an awareness to protect the gorilla, elephant, and chimpanzee—favorite targets of poachers.
The assistant of the head of the Kahuzi Biega Park, Elie Baleke, also called for the protection of the rivers Lugolo and Ulindi Ezeza, which are water sources and tributaries of the Congo River.
According to Elie Baleke, several plant species must be protected. This view was shared by the interim administrator of Shabunda, Kasombanya Bin Saleh, who recommended peaceful coexistence between the people of Shabunda and park managers. The Deputy Chair of civil society from Shabunda, Helen Mikesi, meanwhile called for clear definition of the Kahuzi Biega national boundaries of the park. She also recommended to park officials and their partners to develop development actions in favor of the local population of Kahuzi Biega Park who, in the past, have also been involved in the protection of this heritage.