South Africa: Elephant Injected Contraceptives to Limit Overpopulation



Date Published
The strong growth in the population of elephants in South Africa has forced the government to conduct a contraceptive injection to animals. These “anti-design” vaccines should allow elephants to limit births.
According to official figures, every two years, the population of elephants in South Africa twice, which represents a threat to the ecosystem and for small-scale farms. Especially since most of the reserves are very small. Moreover, the animals swallow two hundred kilos of plants daily.
The limitation of this case remains the solution for the South African government, for pachyderms populations grow too fast, subjecting the animals to starvation and disease and generating damage to the environment. In 2008, in an article in Science magazine Futura Sciences (, the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), recognized that elephants whose number increases by 7% per year in South Africa had become a real threat to the habitat. “We like the elephants, they are charismatic images of Africa, but we cannot allow a species to alter our natural capital,” admitted Rob Little, director of the WWF conservation programs in South Africa.