Stray elephant stirs up trouble (Shivamogga, India)


The Hindu

Date Published

The wild elephant that has made forests in the limits of Agumbe Gram Panchayat its abode for the past two years now strayed into Agumbe village on Monday creating panic among the residents there.

No damage to life or property was reported. Hasirumane Nandan, president, Agumbe Gram Panchayat, told The Hindu that the elephant was seen grazing upon the grass in the open field adjacent to the camp of Anti-Naxal Force in the village at 4 p.m.. About half an hour after that, it went into the nearby forest through the road adjacent to AVM School.

It may be mentioned here that the 35-year-old tusker has created havoc in Agumbe Gram Panchayat limits by raiding agricultural fields regularly. In September 2015, the tusker had entered Agumbe village and had destroyed banana trees grown in kitchen gardens of the residents there.

Mr. Nandan said that the elephant had trampled a farmer to death in Malandur village in the year 2014. The Department of Forest should consider the incident of wild tusker straying into the human habitat seriously and take measures to translocate it soon, he said.

Mohammed Samiulla, Range Forest Officer, told The Hindu that following the incident, the forest personnel were closely monitoring the movement of the tusker. The animal was inside the limits of Someshwara wildlife sanctuary at present. The residents of Agumbe and surrounding villages have been directed not to indulge in acts such bursting crackers or making noise to scare it away, if it is sighted, he said.