Translated from French by an automated online translation service, so please excuse the roughness. See link for original. Thank you to Anne Dillon for finding and doing the online translating.
The representatives of Central African countries, supported by the United Nations Office against Drugs and Crime (UNODC), are meeting in Brazzaville in Congo since August 31, 2015 to study ways of strengthening border controls against wildlife crime. It is an initiative of the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS) and the Commission of Central African Forests, in partnership with UNODC, the first regional forum on strengthening border controls falls within the framework of the implementation of the Global program against crime related to wildlife. Forum which aims to strengthen the national and international levels, cooperation between the different administrations in charge of fight against illegal logging and illegal trade in wildlife products and wild flora. According to specialists of the subject, poaching is increasingly important in Central Africa, with the use of arms and ammunition, vehicles and other modern communication means organized criminal gangs.
The Central African States say no to poaching
For the Congolese Minister of Forestry Economy and Sustainable Development Henri Djombo, this has already resulted in the loss of more than 60% of the population of elephants in the Congo Basin, during the last decade. “The forehead against environmental crime in the Central African sub-region requires measures and concerted actions among States and their technical and financial partners, as well as the coordination of programs,” said he was in the session Opening this forum. Henri Djombo is the need to find effective ways to fight against this scourge, the regional representative of UNODC, Pierre Lapack noted that the impact of this illicit trade is not only an environmental threat and an obstacle to reducing poverty. It also undermines the rule of law, fueling corruption while providing new sources of funding for insurgent groups as well as criminal networks. The coordinator of the UN system in Congo, Antony Kwaku Ohemeng-Boamenf has meanwhile reiterated the support of his organization to provide the necessary support to the efforts of the subregion to combat it. He also indicated that the trafficking of wild fauna and flora became the fourth global threat after terrorism, trafficking in drugs and human beings. It threatens peace, security and integrity of the States of the subregion. To fight against this illicit trade, the conference of ministers of the Community of Central African States, held on 27 April in Brazzaville adopted an emergency action plan for anti- poaching, covering areas of savannah and forest. The representatives of Central African countries, supported by the United Nations Office against Drugs and Crime (UNODC) ends September 3, 2015.
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