The Trial of a Network of Wildlife Delinquents Expected in Pointe-Noire (Republic of the Congo)



Date Published
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The arrest of six suspected traffickers of different nationalities: Malian, Guinean, Congolese DRC and Congolese from the Republic of Congo took place in the economic capital of Congo on 07 December 2016 by the elements of the national gendarmerie with the assistance of water and forestry agents, thanks to the support and information of the PALF.

Adama Sangaré, Diallo Bakary, Oumar Diaby, Konate Moussa, Joséphine Lemingui and Nestor Miankoma were prosecuted by the Pointe-Noire High Court for illegal possession and attempted illegal marketing of an ivory point of more than 10 kg.

A hearing on this case is expected on September 28th, during which these individuals will be held accountable. These alleged traffickers risk sentences of up to five years imprisonment.

It would be a well-organized network of ivory traders extending to Angola. These persons incriminated in this organized network share the roles for the operation of their illegal traffic. Their aim is to enrich themselves on the massacre of elephants, an emblematic species of the country which simultaneously engenders a proliferation of weapons of war, used for this massacre. Exemplary punishments should be imposed on them to condemn these acts severely, for a good cause, that of the protection of natural resources.

The elephant is part of the fully protected animal species, in accordance with Order No. 6075 / MDDEFE / CAB of 9 April 2011 determining the animal species fully and partially protected in the Republic of Congo. In addition, Article 27 of Law 37/2008, of 28 November 2008 on wildlife and protected areas stipulates: “import; export; the possession and transit through the national territory of fully protected species; as well as their trophies are strictly prohibited; unless special derogation from the administration of water and forests; for the purposes of scientific research”.