Tuskers creating havoc at Rani (India)


The Assam Tribune

Date Published
 AZARA, Oct 12 – Wild elephants have been creating havoc in Assam-Meghalaya bordering villages in Rani area since last week. It has been learnt that the herd of around fifty to sixty wild elephants come from the nearby hills in search of food to the paddy fields at Pamohi, Gorchuk, Deochatal, Mainakhorang, Chakardew, Rani, Patgaon, Nalapara, Rajapara, Udaypur etc. on Assam-Meghalaya border. Several hectares of paddy fields in those areas have been destroyed by the tuskers. The tuskers come to the field of paddy crops at midnight and return to the hills in the wee hours. While returning to the hills, the tuskers also damage other crops in the areas.
The villagers try to scare away the tuskers by bursting crackers from ‘tangi ghar’ built on the top of trees. But their efforts have been futile. The villagers have alleged that the Forest deptt has not taken any concrete steps in this regard.
It may be noted here that Deochatal, Nalapara and Udaypur have been marked as elephant corridor along which the tuskers enter the paddy fields. The Forest department has done nothing except digging large ditches in the corridor to check the entry of the tuskers to the paddy fields, the villagers alleged. The forest protection committees formed by the authority concerned are also not active, they alleged.
The victims of the area have urged the government to take positive steps in this regard immediately. Otherwise, man-elephant conflict in those areas cannot be ruled out, they said. It may also be noted here that a good number of people in the greater Rani area have lost their lives following attack by wild elephants.