Two elephants destroy house and kill man in Nepal



Date Published

A person has died after being attacked by two wild elephants in Saptari district on Saturday night. 

The deceased has been identified as Raghunath Khanga, 60, of Bhardaha-9 of the district, according to Area Police Office (APO) of Bhardaha.

When Khanga and his family were fast asleep in the middle of the night, two wild suddenly elephants attacked his house. Everyone except Khanga managed to escape. He was chased down and trampled to death, informed the APO. According to locals, the elephants also destroyed sheds, and crops and vegetables cultivated in the farms of some locals.

Prior to this incident, Allahdin Khan, 55, of Bairawa-8 had also lost his life after being attacked by an wild elephant on November 3.