Two men arrested for ivory (Namibia)


Fred Goeieman, Namibian Sun

Date Published

Two residents of Katutura who were on Friday found in possession of two elephant tusks briefly appeared in the Magistrate’s Court in Windhoek yesterday morning.

The two men, Tjaonga Undjee, 43, and Simson Tjatindi, 49, are facing charges of the unlawful possession of, or dealing in controlled game products, to wit, two elephant tusks, but were not asked to plea on the charge.

The bail for the accused was fixed at N$5 000 each but Tjatindi pleaded for reduction to N$4 000.

The presiding magistrate, Vanessa Stanley, refused the bail reduction plea. “The amount of

N$5 000 is reasonable due to the serious nature of the offence the accused are charged with,” Stanley emphasised.

The two were arrested on last Friday in Windhoek while in possession of the two elephant tusks.

Stanley postponed the case to 22 August for legal aid and further investigations.