Upper Lomami: Elephants killed two people in Bukama (DRC)


Radio Okapi

Date Published


On the night of Monday, August 1, wandering elephants killed two people in the locality of NKINDA, about 120 km from Bukama center (Upper Lomami). The president of the civil society of Bukama, Matthew Ilunga Ngandu, said the victims, a mother and daughter, were surprised by a herd of elephants while they were returning from the field.
He called on the Congolese government to provide the Congolese Institute for Nature Conservation (ICCN) with the means to enable it to drive back these protected species.

“We launch a cry of distress in the territory of Bukama in relation to the situation of elephants killing. Security officers of ICCN are not able to repress these animals. ICCN should use its office to find a solution to the situation in the territory of Bukama, otherwise there will still be loss of life.”

Last June, the ICCN had informed the public of cases of wandering elephants in parts of the country during this period. On the occasion, he particularly noted that the elephants were conducting seasonal movements in search of food.

On their journeys, say the farmers, these elephants ravage fields and fish ponds in several villages.

In the first half of 2013, more than 8,000 victims were registered in Bukama, and 3775 hectares of fields ravaged in four groups. The Chiefdom of  Kinkodja had informed the department head of Humanitarian Affairs in Bukama, Chirac Monga Ngoy.
