A resident of village Silma under Batauli police station of district Surguja in north Chhattisgarh, about 250km from here, succumbed to injuries during treatment on late Sunday night. The 46-year-old villager was attacked by a wild elephant last Thursday and was admitted to district hospital at Ambikapur.
The deceased has been identified as Jageshwar Ghasia. On last Thursday, Ghasia had gone to visit in in-laws in village Lavapara Lundra. He was returning home on foot late night and came face to face with a wild elephant that had strayed from its herd. The elephant first hit Jageshwar on his leg with its trunk and then thrashed him on the ground after lifting him up in its trunk. Since Jageshwar could not run he just lay there on ground unconscious. The elephant left the spot. Villagers informed forest department and admitted him to district hospital at Ambikapur. He was also given Rs 3,000 as immediate relief.
Doctors diagnosed that Jageshwar had fractured ribs, lungs filled with blood and other internal injuries. He died during treatment late Sunday night. His body was handed over to the family after the autopsy. A sum of Rs 22,000 was also given to the family as an interim relief.
Small traders of the area are reportedly cashing in on villagers’ plight by purchasing whatever crops the villagers have at throw away prices.