Wild elephant die of stomach tumor (Kannur, India)


Kaumudi Online

Date Published

Around 30-year-old female wild elephant died at Keezhpally near Aralam in Irrity, due to tumour in stomach. The female elephant and a six-year-old male elephant have been seen since last morning at Paripputhottil estate, a private estate, near Aralam forest by the local residents. Even though the forest officials reached the spot and found that the female elephant had some health problem and was exhausted and tired, tried to treat her, but the male elephant did not allow them to come near them and chased them away.

However, both the elephants returned to the forest after the intervention of forest officials. But the female elephant fell down and the male elephant chased the forest and veterinary officials. After dusk, forest officials led by District Forest Officer Sunil Pamidi left the forest and returned in the morning for treating the elephant. However, it was found dead this morning. The post-mortem was held in the morning at Muthangha in Wynad by veterinary surgeons. Prima facia reports said the elephant having uterine leiomyomas (a tumor in uterus). After the post-mortem the carcass was cremated at forest.