Kashipur resident Gurudev Singh’s wife Amrit Kaur, aged 42 years and her brother in law Indrajit Singh were returning on a motorcycle from the Sitabani temple. As soon as the duo reached Bhandarpani range in the Ramnagar forest division they found an elephant in front of them. Riding the motorcycle, Singh lost balance on facing the pachyderm and the duo fell down. Both of them started to run towards the woods when the elephant chased after them and catching hold of Kaur, reportedly smashed her repeatedly to death. On receiving information about the incident, the forest department staff reached the site with forest range officer Lalit Joshi taking Kaur to the Government hospital in Ramnagar where she was declared dead. Reaching the site after the mishap, the Ramnagar divisional forest officer Neha Verma stated that Rs three lakh ex gratia will be provided to the bereaved family.