Effective Population Size Dynamics Reveal Impacts Of Historic Climatic Events And Recent Anthropogenic Pressure In African Elephants. (2008)

Two hundred years of elephant hunting for ivory, peaking in 1970–1980s, caused local extirpations and massive population declines across Africa.


Molecular Ecology


Okello, J.B.A., Wittemyer G., Rasmussen, H.B., Arctander, P., Nyakaana, S., Douglas-Hamilton I., Siegismund, H.R.

Date Published 2008EffectivePopnimpacts

Molecular Ecology


Two hundred years of elephant hunting for ivory, peaking in 1970–1980s, caused local extirpations and massive population declines across Africa. The resulting genetic impacts on surviving populations have not been studied, despite the importance of understanding the evolutionary repercussions of such human-mediated events on this keystone species. Using Bayesian coalescent-based genetic methods to evaluate time-specific changes in effective population size, we analysed genetic variation in 20 highly polymorphic microsatellite loci from 400 elephants inhabiting the greater Samburu-Laikipia region of northern Kenya. This area experienced a decline of between 80% and 90% in the last few decades when ivory harvesting was rampant.

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