
Cherie’s calf Mourning

Cherie finally died this evening after a long stomach illness. Her calf, a 5-month old male, survives her.

David talks about Cherie

David Daballen, Head of Field Operations for Save the Elephants, describes the heartrending dilemma posed by a sick female elephant named Cherie and her 5-month old baby.

Koitalel, RIP

David Daballen, Head of Field Operations for STE, describing Koitalel's last moments.

Ivory Crush US Resolve

Iain Douglas-Hamiton and Jane Goodall speak about the ongoing elephant poaching crisis and the symbolic importance of the US ivory crush, taking place on November 14th 2013

Promoting Conservation Through Sports- The Highlights

Camels became the curious focus of STE’s community work this month.  Our Outreach Team were up in Maralal, northern Kenya, at the 25th Camel Derby to talk about conservation and poaching. With camels racing by, people from all walks of life got drawn into

WCN Expo 2014-STE Keynote Speeches

Speakers Frank Pope, Resson Kantai Duff, and Iain Douglas-Hamilton talk about the ongoing poaching crisis driven by demand for ivory by the newly-wealthy in Asia, and ultimately about progress being made and hope for the future. Recorded at the...

Using bees to solve Human-Elephant Conflict

Kenya has not only had to deal with the poaching that threatens her elephants and wildlife. She has also had to grapple with conflict between humans and wildlife, a problem that will only increase as the nation develops.

Li Bingbing on the impacts of buying ivory

China's leading actress and UNEP Goodwill Ambassador Li Bingbing shines a spotlight on Africa's war on the poachers that are devastating Africa's elephants. The war is financed by those buying ivory. As Bingbing says, when the buying stops, the killing ca