
The deepening impacts of Kenya’s drought

These past few months have been tough for people and wildlife alike as Kenya continues to grapple with the effects of yet another prolonged drought that has ravaged parts of the country. In northern Kenya, where our research camp is based, the...

The Power of a Rumble

Former STE intern, Meha Kumar, shares one of her special encounters with elephants in Samburu National Reserve and gives us a glimpse into some of the discoveries she made during her internship. There they were, the Hardwoods family, a group of...

Returning to old elephant ranges

Our founder, Iain Douglas-Hamilton (pictured above), recently had a ‘Rip Van Winkle’ moment when he came back after forty years’ absence to a very changed world in the northern Uganda elephant range. In 2021, the Northern Rangelands Trust...

Bull’s journey confirms elephants returning to the north

A massive, adult collared elephant bull named Puran has amazed our researchers by blazing a trail across a vast desert landscape in remote northern Kenya, showing once again how elephants are expanding their range northwards into areas from which...

Tuskless and beautiful! 

Have you  heard the famous quote by Thomas Schmidt, “No one in the world needs an elephant tusk but an elephant?”   Here’s why! Elephant tusks are enormous front teeth that keep growing throughout an elephant’s life. Apart from lifting...

Education as a tool to inspire

Former STE intern, Meha Kumar, joined our education team during their conservation education lessons across schools in northern Kenya. Here she shares her experiences. There’s an African proverb that goes “If you educate a man, you educate an...

Gone but not forgotten – a tribute to Wide Satao

Image: Great tusker, Wide Satao (centre), with other bulls in Tsavo East National Park © Christine Mwende / Tsavo Trust Last December, Kenya lost an iconic great tusker called Wide Satao. Wide Satao died of natural causes that were most likely...

Rare elephant twins found alive and well in northern Kenya!

Samburu, Kenya. A pair of rare newborn elephant twins have survived a drought and beaten the odds thanks to the excellent skills of their mother, a wild African female elephant called Bora. The miracle twins were first discovered in Samburu...

Sagalla Farmers Beekeeping Training

There was a time in Sagalla, Kenya when the rainy season could be predicted. Farmers counted on that regularity and planted their crops of maize, green grams, cowpeas, and watermelon according to the cycles of moisture. Now, nobody knows when the...

Nature’s Changing Technology In Sagalla Village

Sagalla Village has long been a region of small farmers, growing maize and green grams with no fertilizers, synthetic pesticides or under any irrigation, on tiny plots with a jembe, or hoe. Now, anthropogenic climate change, made worse by...